Astrophysics, abstract

From: wilson@eccles.physics.McMaster.CA (Christine Wilson)
Date: Tue, 20 Jun 95 09:31:17 EDT   (76kb)

The Star Formation Histories and Efficiencies of Two Giant HII Regions in M33

Authors: C. D. Wilson, B. C. Matthews
Comments: 26 pages including 2 figures, uuencoded compressed postscript file (Figure 1 not available electronically). Accepted to ApJ
Report-no: CDW-95-2

$UBV$ photometry is used to re-identify the OB associations which power the two most luminous HII regions in M33, NGC 604 and NGC 595. There is a significant difference (2-3 Myr) in the ages of the most recent star formation episode in these two regions, while NGC 595 also has undergone a prior episode of star formation (10-15 Myr ago). These data, combined with the presence of molecular clouds in the heart of NGC 604, suggest that molecular clouds may survive at least one intense episode of massive star formation. The star formation efficiencies (mass of stars per mass of gas) of these two HII regions are up to a factor of 3 larger than the average efficiency in the inner disk of M33 or in Galactic molecular clouds, but are still only 2-5\%.

Paper: PostScript only

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